Our design and planning team has engaged extensively with our retail tenants and a wide range of statutory consultees about our ideas for Wapping Wharf North.
During summer 2022, we consulted the local community and wider public on our proposals, with presentations, drop-in sessions, a public exhibition and online consultation. Feedback identified the need to retain the special character of CARGO, discussion about the height of some of the buildings and questions about how the landscaping would be delivered and maintained.
The team has carefully considered all the consultation responses and made significant changes to our proposals. Main changes include:
- The double-height restaurant on the top of the landmark building has been removed as well as restaurants from upper levels, lowering the building and giving it a more slender appearance
- an open-air publicly-accessible rooftop restaurant and viewing terrace has been introduced on the sixth floor, offering expansive views across the harbourside
- the CARGO building has been redesigned to reflect the character of the existing shipping containers with covered walkways and external staircases
- the interior of CARGO Hall has been re-designed with shipping container cladding, a brighter colour scheme and individual pods businesses can tailor to their own needs
- one storey has been removed from block 3, behind M Shed
- four three-bedroom homes for social rent have been created within the 20% affordable housing
- the greenery on the facades of the residential buildings has been re-designed in line with new government fire safety regulations
Comments and a video from developer Stuart Hatton and CARGO retailers about the consultation and proposals are on the news page.
We have now submitted planning applications to Bristol City Council as the local planning authority. The full documents are available to view on the Council's planning portal here where you can also express your views on our proposals.
Key Issues and Design Changes
You said: The landmark building is too imposing and not in keeping with character of surrounding buildings
Our response:
We have removed the double-height restaurant and some of the restaurants at the upper levels, following consultation with retailers at CARGO. This has created a more slender appearance and reduced some of the height relating to existing residents on Rope Walk. There is now an open-air publicly-accessible viewing terrace on the sixth floor.
The designs are inspired by the industrial design language of dockside buildings around the harbour. The intention is to create a focal point for this prominent location and destination site and to continue the growth of this part of the city docks as an important residential neighbourhood and leisure destination.

You said: The quirky character of CARGO will be lost and CARGO Hall looks uninviting
Our response:
The character of the retail architecture and the internal design of the market hall have been revised to make them more recognisable as CARGO. New internal design concepts for CARGO Hall reinstate the shipping container design language and focus on retaining the individuality of the businesses.
Shipping container cladding and a bolder colour scheme picks up on the blue and green of the CARGO shipping containers and the recently completed CARGO Work building on Wapping Road. Additional external staircases and new covered walkways encourage browsing and make the public access more like the existing CARGO arrangement. This includes a feature external staircase at the corner of Gaol Ferry Steps and Rope Walk.
A bold illuminated sign has been introduced at the top of the building to signpost and celebrate the CARGO retail and restaurant uses within the buildings.

You said: Keep CARGO as it is – the containers are a key part of the harbourside
Our response:
The CARGO site only has temporary planning permission and was always intended for redevelopment. This ‘meanwhile use’ has fostered a unique and special community and we want to give our traders a permanent and improved new home where they can flourish and not be held back by the constraints of the shipping containers.
CARGO businesses are involved in and are supportive of the design for Wapping Wharf North and most have selected their location in the new building.
The open-air rooftop restaurant will feature two shipping containers as a legacy to the current development and metal cladding and a new colour scheme reflects shipping containers of CARGO.

You said: We don’t want to lose the outdoor, waterfront dining and drinking space currently provided by CARGO
Our response:
There will be a significant increase in the amount of outdoor space and landscaping in the proposed development, as well as multiple terraces for dining/drinking at upper floors.
We have now identified additional external seating areas, particularly to the south on Rope Walk and the new sixth floor terrace provides an opportunity for people to enjoy elevated views of the harbour.

You said: We are concerned about whether the greenery will actually be planted or maintained when Wapping Wharf North is built
Our response:
We are committed to providing large amounts of landscaping and planting to further enhance the greenery that already exists at Wapping Wharf and improve local biodiversity.
The arrangement of the greenery on the facades of the residential buildings has been re-designed in line with new government regulations and advice from fire and landscape consultants. The planters in retail areas have been designed to be integral to the building terraces, with rainwater irrigation systems where needed.
The planting will be maintained by our onsite management team as is already the case with existing greenery at Wapping Wharf.

You said: The tall buildings will obscure waterfront views, reduce light and impact the privacy of current residents
Our response:
The site has always been intended for development so the open view that some residents currently enjoy would eventually have been lost as the north site is built out.
In the new designs, the buildings have been made taller than the 5-7 storeys originally envisaged but have also been set further away from existing apartments resulting in similar levels of daylight for existing residents.
This approach has also enabled lots of new street trees and landscaping which will create better views for many residents. Increased spacing between the blocks also allows for more views through the site.

You said: The scale of the development is harmful to views of the cranes and M Shed
Our response:
In addition to lowering the landmark building, we have also reduced the height of the building behind M Shed (block 3) by one storey.
During the design process, we have worked with Design West, Historic England and Bristol City Council to find a balanced form of development that is respectful to its setting.
The proposed buildings will act as a backdrop to M Shed that reinforces the residential and leisure character of the harbour and will be a positive addition to the city skyline.

You said: How will you manage the increase in people coming to Wapping Wharf?
Our response:
Over 30% of the site will be ground level paving or landscaping.
Space for pedestrians and cyclists along Museum Street will be increased and we are adding more cycle and electric scooter parking spaces.
Additional external seating areas have been identified, particularly on Rope Walk

Full proposals
This website provides an overview of our proposals for Wapping Wharf North. Our planning application has now been submitted to Bristol City Council, and detailed proposals will be registered on its planning portal. The Council will then undertake a period of statutory consultation where people can express their views before the application is determined.
What next?
Summer 2023
Planning application submitted to Bristol City Council.
Detailed designs and preparation work for development.
Work anticipated to start on Phase 1.
Work anticipated to start on Phase 2.
Work on Wapping Wharf North expected to complete.